We PASSED the BAR Exam! YAY! Actually, John passed but I feel that I was a big part of that...or not ;) What a relief! All of the law exams + countless hours of studying have paid off. SO happy! And I'm happy to say that his studying partner, Mike, passed as well. They worked their butts off studying, especially the last few weeks before the exam. They spent hard core studying time up at our family cabin in big bear. And it wasn't easy - they would actually take walks through the snow, all the while quizzing each other with flash cards. Now that's dedication. I'm so proud of my hubby:)
Here's John watching a basketball game on the tube, relaxing after finding out the good news.
This is Sophia's way of celebrating - rolling continuously down a grassy hill. Check out the excitement on her face!
CONGRATULATIONS John!!! There was no doubt that you were gonna pass though.
Love that image of him watching TV Daze. And Sophie...so cute as always.
I'm so happy for all 3 of you!!!
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